Airport (Audiobook) Hailey Arthur

Airport (Audiobook) Hailey Arthur
Аудиокнига: Airport
Автор: Arthur Hailey
Издательство: Talking book Studio of the American Printing House for the Blind
Озвучил: Milton Metz
Год: 1968
Жанр: Роман
Аудио MP3 32 kbps
Время прослушивания: 15:10:52
Размер: 210 МБ
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: English

Описание: When a terrifying crisis erupts--stranding a snowbound airport in a blizzard of pressure, passion and peril--the key to life and death rests in the hands of one of four people: a tough troubleshooter, an arrogant pilot, a beautiful stewardess, or a brilliant airport manager.

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